Aircraft audits ensure safety, protect investment, and preserve stakeholder interest. During asset recovery, leasing, purchase, delivery and re-delivery we perform aircraft inspections, aviation audits, records/parts inventories and surveys. Inspections minimize risks associated with aircraft operations and financing transactions. Inspections are tailored to meet particular needs of each set of circumstances and type of aircraft.

Types of General Physical Inspections, Assessments & Records Surveys  

  1. Asset Inventory/Survey
  2. Airworthiness Assessment
  3. Aircraft Damage Assessment and Inspection
  4. Conformity Inspection
  5. Pre-Purchase Inspection & Aircraft Records Survey
  6. Records inspections

Our audits include a detailed analysis of airplane history, the aircraft’s existing condition, and current disposition.

Pre-purchase inspections and records surveys integrate an aircraft physical inspection with a written records review.

All audits include a technical, operations, and maintenance program review in addition to a component logistical longevity report.

A written analysis of our expert assessment is issued together with a comprehensive findings report, and photographs upon final completion of all inspections.

Detailed Physical Inspection

In-depth physical inspection of the airframe, power-plant, time-limited components, and aircraft interior are included in our audits options.

Detailed Records Audits

Detailed records audits look particularly at record documentation, technical and operations manuals, maintenance programs, hard-life-limited components, maintenance intervals/status, and other time-life expectancy components to assess critical milestones on airframes, and engines.  A complete comprehensive review of AD and SB audits, regulatory compliance responses, damage mapping, outstanding maintenance rationales,  serialized equipment list, and details of component lasting-life assessments are also performed.